2nd quarter 2022
The far-reaching changes in the monetary policy of some major central banks have not left independent asset managers in Switzerland unscathed. They have significantly lowered their expectations for the next three months.
The far-reaching changes in the monetary policy of some major central banks have not left independent asset managers in Switzerland unscathed. They have significantly lowered their expectations for the next three months.
The majority of independent asset managers in Switzerland regard the current bear market as a buying opportunity, as a recent survey by the Aquila Group shows. The experts see the greatest upside potential in gold - due to the geopolitical situation.
Independent asset managers in Switzerland had a good run last year. They must now be all the more vigilant in order not to squander the progress made in 2021 in the coming months. There are certainly enough risks.
The independent asset managers in Switzerland are facing reality, both with a political turnaround in Germany and with a stock market that, in the face of expected interest rate hikes, will no longer be so exhilarating, as the latest AVI index shows.
After months of lockdown and limited business opportunities, independent asset managers in Switzerland are experiencing an enormous upswing. New client money is flowing in, and the stock market is doing the rest, as the latest AVI index shows.
Two-thirds of independent asset managers in Switzerland believe that cryptocurrencies do not belong in a client portfolio. Instead, they focus on equities and were able to significantly increase their assets under management in the first three months of the current year.
Independent asset managers in Switzerland expect a significant stock market boom in foreign equities in 2021. They also believe in gold as a stable investment. Almost half of the players want to be vaccinated against Corona.
Independent asset managers in Switzerland expect a second Corona wave in the next three months. Against this background, they expect a higher gold price.
Independent asset managers in Switzerland fear the consequences of a second Corona wave and expect Donald Trump to lose the next US presidential election. Read more in the new Aquila Asset Managers Index.
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