Specialist article.

Vivien Jain: "A successful succession process can take 3 to 5 years".

November 18, 2024

Independent asset managers looking for a successor have several options available to them today. Many of them find themselves in this situation today. Vivien Jain examines the various scenarios and their advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of which scheme is chosen, the time factor plays a crucial role in the process. Read the full article here [...]

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Read here the the full interview in German.
Voici l'intégralité de l'interview en français.

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Aquila Fokus

Aquila Focus 5/24 - A strong year and an exciting outlook for 2025

aquila focus 5/24 - a strong year and exciting prospects for 2025

Nicolas Peter looks back on a pleasing year: investors achieved impressive returns despite the weaker performance of the Swiss stock market. The US market in particular shone with a performance of 28%.
We remain optimistic for equities in 2025 - albeit with more volatility. The US market impresses with strong earnings growth, while the Swiss market scores with solid dividends. Gold remains an important portfolio component, supported by central bank purchases, falling interest rates and rising debt.
The Aquila Investments team is looking forward to an exciting new year!

#AquilaFocus #Aquila #Investments #Gold #ZPolicy #SMI #USMarket #Anvestment strategy #2025

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