Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners AG

Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners AG is an independent asset management practice serving private clients and foundations. We assemble and manage differentiated investment portfolios, consisting principally of long-term ownership interests in listed family-backed companies. Since our founding over 20 years ago, we have sought to provide a personalized client experience, characterized by open dialogue and intergenerational continuity.

Additional Services:

  • Independent analysis of existing investment mandates
  • Advisory in the selection of custody banks
  • Collaboration with the tax and legal experts of our clients
  • Presiding over investment committee meetings

Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners AG is an independent asset management company based in Zurich and is directly supervised by FINMA. As a partner company of Aquila AG, it can draw on specific expertise in the areas of legal, compliance & risk, accounting and IT (outsourcing). Aquila AG has a banking licence and is also supervised by FINMA.

As a Swiss asset manager, Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners AG is subject to the Financial Services Act (FIDLEG), which on the one hand contains regulations on the offering of financial services and financial products and on the other hand protective mechanisms for investors. For details, please refer to the information letter.

Financial Services Act_Infoletter_FINAL_Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners AG

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Privacy Policy Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners EN

Tintelnot, Aquila & Partners AG
Bahnhofstrasse 43
CH-8001 Zurich

Domicile address

Aquila AG
Bahnhofstrasse 43
CH-8001 Zurich
Phone: +41 58 680 60 00

Postal address

Aquila AG
PO Box,
CH-8022 Zurich