The troubled US regional banks and the emergency takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS unsettled market participants. The write-down of AT1 securities by CS led to a sharp decline in the price of the asset class.
It was only the loss of confidence that led to the distress of companies that were fundamentally soundly financed. Governments and central banks are endeavoring to restore confidence.
Negative effects on the still robust economy cannot be ruled out. Companies and consumers are threatening to become more cautious.
The monetary policy of the central banks is coming into even sharper focus.
Due to the uncertainties related to the U.S. banking sector, investors sought safe havens. These included the government bonds of the major economies, but also gold, which at times traded at over $2,000 per ounce.
The equity markets are proving resilient, but we remain cautious in our assessment and neutral in our equity allocation.
In FX markets, movements are relatively small despite stress in the financial system.