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Aquila Fokus

Aquila Fokus 3/24 - Investors react to AI investments, small caps in the spotlight

aquila fokus 3/24 - investors react to ki investments, small caps in the spotlight

In the latest Aquila Focus, Nicolas Peter, Head of Investment & Wealth Management at Aquila AG, looks at investor reaction to increased AI investment and the shift from large-cap to small-cap stocks. Despite strong gains in the first half of the year, the market is volatile and investors are critical of Google's increased AI spending. At the same time, US small caps are back in investors' focus.

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Aquila Viewpoints

Market outlook | 3rd quarter 2024


Global growth was robust in the first quarter and the European economy is gaining momentum. The recovery is also likely to continue for the rest of the year - supported by the looser monetary policy, among other things.
We expect global economic growth of 3% for 2024.
The fall in inflation since the coronavirus pandemic is generally welcomed, but has not yet reached the target value of 2% in most regions.
Nevertheless, the first central banks are easing their monetary policy framework and providing growth impetus.
Central banks remain data-dependent in their decisions.
Yields on government bonds in the most important markets are moving sideways.
The stock markets in the most important regions are behaving heterogeneously: new highs in the USA, setbacks in Europe. We remain cautiously constructive for the equity markets.
The US dollar has consolidated its gains since the beginning of the year, while the Swiss franc weakened briefly following the SNB's renewed interest rate cut.
The price of gold is currently trading in a range of USD 2,300 to 2,400 per ounce, and we remain positive in our assessment.

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Aquila Viewpoints

Market outlook | 2nd quarter 2024


Donald Trump and Joe Biden are once again dueling for the presidency in the US. The robust US economy is experiencing a slight slowdown. Overall, economic output from industry is weak and is being boosted by the service sector. The BOJ raises key interest rates for the first time in 17 years, but otherwise remains supportive. The SNB lowers its key interest rate and leads the way among the larger central banks. The ECB, BOE and Fed wait with interest rate cuts. Yields on government bonds in the most important regions are consolidating at the upper end of the ranges that have existed since the beginning of the year. The stock markets in the most important regions have largely continued to perform very positively since the start of the year. The US dollar is well supported and the Swiss franc came under pressure following the latest inflation figures and the SNB's interest rate cut. Gold reached new highs and we are maintaining our positioning.

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Aquila Viewpoints

Market outlook | 1st quarter 2024


The pleasing growth of the global economy in the third quarter - especially in the USA - will be severely dampened in the fourth quarter, which is usually a seasonally strong quarter. The restrictive monetary policy is having an inhibiting effect.
The outlook for the second half of 2024 is brightening and is experiencing positive momentum, not least thanks to an expected looser monetary policy and "presidential cycle".
Some countries are likely to have already slipped into recession. However, this is mild in most of the countries affected.
The US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB)
could open the round of interest rate cuts and cushion a possible downturn.
Yields on government bonds in the most important regions virtually collapsed after the Fed meeting. The announcement of three potential interest rate cuts took many by surprise.
The stock markets responded positively to Fed Chairman Powell's comments and falling interest rates and continued their rally.
Gold consolidates after reaching a new all-time high.

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Aquila Flash

Review 2023 - Outlook 2024


In 2023, numerous geopolitical risks came to the fore, supplemented by interest rate hikes by central banks in the fight against inflation. The conflict in Ukraine will soon last two years. In addition, the situation in the Middle East has worsened, particularly between Israel and Hamas. An escalation of the conflict to neighboring Arab countries has been prevented so far. Economic weaknesses are also evident in two of Switzerland's key trading partners: China and Germany. These developments are leading to a lack of important impetus from foreign trade. Geopolitical issues will continue to play an important role in the coming year. However, the past has shown that the impact of such events on the global financial markets is often short-lived.

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Nicolas Peter

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