The Aquila Board of Directors.

cotting max

Max Cotting


Federal dipl. bank officer

Current activities and vested interests
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chez Vrony Collection AG; Chairman of the Board of Directors Chez Vrony AG, Zermatt; Chairman of the Board of Directors FIPA Findeln Partners AG; Chairman of the Board of Directors Loumax AG and Loumax Management AG; Chairman of the Board of Directors Pro Zermatt AG

zindel gaudenz

Dr. Gaudenz G. Zindel *

Vice President

Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M.

Current activities and vested interests
Niederer Kraft Frey AG, Zurich; Swiss Bar Association, SAV; Zurich Bar Association, ZAV; Member of other Boards of Directors and Boards of Trustees

eriksen wanda

Wanda Eriksen *

Member, Member Audit & Risk Committee

Masters in Accounting Science,
Swiss Certified Public Accountant, CPA (US)

Current activities and vested interests
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Federal Audit Oversight Authority; Member of the Board of Directors of AXA Schweiz Versicherungen; AXA-ARAG Rechtsschutz AG and Catlin Re Schweiz AG (AXA Group companies); Member of the Supervisory Board of J.P. Morgan SE Frankfurt am Main; Former Partner at PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers AG

tanner stefan

Stefan Gerber *


Lic. iur., advocate and notary public
Diploma Swiss Banking School

Current activities and vested interests
Board member of JURA Elektroapparate AG, JURA Kaffeemaschinen Holding AG and JURA Henzirohs Holding AG, Board member of Henzirohs-Studer AG, Vice Chairman of the Leo and Elisabeth Henzirohs-Studer Foundation, Vice Chairman of Securitas AG, Chairman of the Securitas Group pension fund, Chairman of Jakob Spreng AG, Board member of Zytglogge Immobilien AG, Board member of Solothurnische Immobilienverwaltung AG, Board member of Solothurnische Altstadthäuser AG, Former member of the Executive Board of Berner Kantonalbank AG

kurmann roman

Roman Kurmann *

Member, Chairman Audit & Risk Committee

Business Economist FH, Certified Public Accountant

Current activities and vested interests
Selbständig – Inhaber Beratungsfirma BIG FIVE; VR Präsident Veraison Sicav; VR Präsident V-Locker Invest AG; VR Aretas Capital Management AG; VR Odinga Holding AG

naef ralf

Ralf Naef *

Member, Member Audit & Risk Committee

Dipl. Masch. Ing. ETHZ

Current activities and vested interests
Chairman of Alpstock AG; Chairman of ahead AG; Chairman of Stadtbauentwicklungs AG / Sagenrain Areal AG; Board of Trustees of Schweizer Tafel; Advisory Board of Accenture AG, Switzerland

syz hans georg

Hans Georg Syz


Gymnasium type D

Current activities and vested interests
VR Präsident Maerki Baumann & Co. AG, Privatbank; Vizepräsident Maerki Baumann Holding AG; Vizepräsident CHSZ-Holding AG; VR Präsident Genossenschaft zum Baugarten; VR Friedrich Steinfels AG; VR Präsident Turnus Film AG; Vizepräsident Stiftungsrat Klinik Willhelm Schulthess; Vizepräsident Quästor Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich; Vizepräsident des Stiftungsrates der Kongresshaus-Stiftung

* These members of the Board of Directors are considered independent members within the meaning of margin no. 17ff of FINMA RS 17/1 "Corporate Governance - Banks".

Organization of the Board of Directors

The organization of the Board of Directors is governed by the Organizational Regulations of December 12, 2017. The Board of Directors is responsible for the ultimate management of Aquila AG. It consists of three or more members. The Board of Directors as a whole is independent and meets as often as business requires, but at least four times a year. In principle, it constitutes a quorum if the majority of its members are present. The Board of Directors passes its resolutions by a majority of the votes of the members present.

At the meetings of the Board of Directors, the members of the Executive Board are represented in an advisory capacity for specific agenda items. The Chairman of the Board of Directors chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors, presides over the entire Board and represents the Board of Directors both internally and externally. There is a regular exchange between the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO. Aquila AG has an Audit & Risk Committee, which is composed of members of the Board of Directors, currently Wanda Eriksen, Peter Gisi and Ralf Naef.

Domicile address

Aquila AG
Bahnhofstrasse 43
CH-8001 Zurich
Phone: +41 58 680 60 00

Postal address

Aquila AG
PO Box,
CH-8022 Zurich